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Taisha Lalanai Rucker

Book Details​
101 pages
Paperback 5.25 x 8 inches
First edition.
ISBN 979-8-334-32283-7
Published J 2024

Available for Purchase
"The Blueprint for A New Education" exposes how traditional education fails to unleash its essential liberating power. It proposes six pillars as the fundamental elements to cultivate every child's ability to lead a wise and purposeful life. These pillars mark a departure from the present excessive emphasis on standardized testing and strict obedience to authority and offer a new path to enlightenment.
These pillars empower children to become self-aware, helping them develop the best in themselves, self-directed, helping them choose a vocation or career, and self-expressing, helping them live responsibly among their families, peers, communities, nations, and the world. They are:
Real-World Application: Promotes understanding of the world and more deeply integrates knowledge, providing opportunities for students to gain and demonstrate skills that have a real impact.
Interest-Based Learning: The advantage of interest-based learning is that it leverages students' innate desire to help them achieve, creating a virtuous cycle of self-determination.
Autonomy and Responsibility: Balancing student autonomy and responsibility fosters critical thinking, self-discipline, problem-solving, and time management skills, which help them take ownership of their actions and decisions while promoting personal growth and maturity.
Teachers as Emancipators: Nurturing a universality that unites all people, nations, and life, teachers cultivate students' understanding of the actual and the ideal and their individual and collective capacity to become integral co-creators improving life for themselves, their families, communities, and world, inspiring personal growth, recognized interdependence, and collective well-being.
Self-Regulation and Self-Mastery: Prioritizing self-mastery equips students to regulate their emotions, persevere despite obstacles, and delay gratification to achieve their goals, helping them learn the skills foundational to long-term success, happiness, and overall mental and physical well-being.
Prosocial Relationships: An education that promotes the common good creates an environment where students recognize that some peers may have a greater aptitude for responsibility and service while others may need extra guidance, positive role models, and further development. By valuing each student's unique journey and potential, we can encourage mutual respect, compassion, and collaboration, cultivating a supportive and harmonious learning community of continuous give and take.
While teachers play a pivotal role, "The Blueprint" reminds us that we are all both teachers and learners. In our relationships at home, work, church, school, and wherever we gather, each of us can contribute to creating virtuous cycles of growth that help us and others reach our highest potential through service dedicated to the common good.
"The Blueprint" aims to shape a world where humanity thrives by fostering individual capabilities and collective responsibilities. It serves as a manual and call to action for educators, parents, and policymakers striving to nurture the next generation of compassionate, intelligent, and involved citizens.
Taisha Lalanai Rucker is an attorney, educator, and founder of One Humanity, a not-for-profit organization providing inspiration, education, and training to help others learn to serve the common good.