One Humanity is a nonpartisan nonprofit providing thought leadership, education, and training to mobilize cross-sector leaders committed to selfless service for the common good.
Our Mission
People and nations selflessly and cooperatively united to build a better world for the common good.
Our Vision
Our Values
We recognize the interconnectedness of our planet's people, nations, and all life.
Love for Humanity
We develop our unique skills and capabilities to benefit a shared purpose based upon goodwill to all.
We voluntarily focus and direct our ambitions and aspirations for the common good rather than personal gain.
About Me.
Taisha Lalanai Rucker is an attorney, educator, and founder of One Humanity, a not-for-profit organization providing inspiration, education, and training to help others learn to serve the common good.
She has 20+ years of experience offering cohort training, facilitation, and coaching for private, public, nonprofit, and community-led organizations. Her expertise helps staff work interdependently to achieve a common purpose that serves the common good.
Her background as an attorney and educator gives her deep insight into the vast human experience, allowing her to help others recognize and develop their strengths and transform their weaknesses to realize their highest potential in service to the whole.