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Finding Our Place and Purpose in the Universe blends astrology and psychology to enhance self-awareness and personal growth. It explores aligning individual life with the divine evolutionary Plan, understanding spiritual energies, and contributing to collective growth and improving world conditions.

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This audio course is for individuals seeking greater self-awareness and personal growth to enlarge their capacity to serve the whole. It combines astrology, unveiling the intention and purpose of divinity as it creates, conditions, and seeks to manifest itself more perfectly, with psychology indicating the outcome we can consciously express at any given time. By understanding the seven fundamental energies shaping life on our planet and our unique expression of them, individuals can chart a path to harmonize with the evolutionary Plan, thereby enhancing personal and collective growth. 


The course can help you align your life with the evolving Plan by understanding humanity and the individual as not passive recipients but as active agents receiving and distributing spiritual energies that, when rightly grasped, interpreted, and directed, can help us improve world conditions, foster unity and collective growth, contribute to the greater whole, and serve the Common Good.


*See below for additional course materials.


Why Astropsychology?



Astropsychology studies human nature's drive to manifest divinity by integrating astrology and psychology. Astrology examines celestial positions to understand life forms' potential to express their purpose, while psychology explores the resulting expression through personality. This fusion bridges the objective world of form and the subjective world of meaning, enhancing self-awareness and personal growth. Understanding the seven fundamental forces and types of people enables us to identify our limits and opportunities, align with divine expression, and consciously cooperate with these forces for personal evolution and contributing to unfolding the divine Plan within the universe.

Why Astropsychology?


The Seven Rays



Astropsychology recognizes that everything in the universe is energy, which exists in the form of either matter or spirit. Matter is tangible, while spirit is an intangible force that permeates everything. Spirit and matter are two ends of a continuum, with consciousness serving as a bridge between them. Humans understand their interconnectedness with the universe by recognizing the divine energies expressed through them and the various forms and states of consciousness represented by spiritual Prototypes. Conscious evolution involves acknowledging and working with these energies, contributing to the divine Plan. This integration of spirit and matter leads to personal and planetary growth, aligning individual souls with the universal purpose.

The Seven Rays


The Etheric Body
Meeting place for spiritual energies and material forces



Over eons, the seven rays' rhythmic energies have shaped civilizations and human evolution, affecting our physical, emotional, and mental focus. These energies flow through the planet's and our etheric bodies, influencing all forms. The soul directs these energies to unify individuals, groups, and nations. Humanity's aim is to awaken and activate the seven spiritual centers, allowing the soul's expression without obstruction. As we integrate personality and soul, we learn to control and direct these energies to serve the Whole. Understanding this interplay helps us master ourselves, purify matter, and align with the divine Purpose, ultimately aiding the evolution of all life on Earth.

The Etheric Body


Your Divine Signature



Evolution involves the expansion of consciousness across all kingdoms—mineral, vegetable, animal, human, and spiritual—through increasing sensitivity to other states. As self-conscious beings, humans can consciously evolve by understanding their unique ray makeup, which consists of five primary rays – soul, personality, mental, astral, and physical. This self-awareness helps us develop spiritually and contribute to the greater good. Embarking upon this exploration requires humility, temperance, and a dedication to serving others. To achieve self-mastery, we aim to recognize and harmonize these energies within ourselves. In doing so, we can elevate our consciousness, achieve spiritual power, and integrate our personality with our soul to help humanity fulfill the evolutionary Plan. 

Your Divine Signature


The Seven Human Types



Humanity's varied levels of consciousness and intentions to serve the greater good often lead to conflicts due to misinterpretation and misapplication of spiritual energies meant to benefit all. However, as individuals, we can promote goodwill between people by focusing on conscious evolution in education, starting with ourselves. Striving to embody the virtues of our spiritual type while transforming its vices can enhance our impact on global renewal and unity. Deepening our understanding of the qualities of the seven spiritual rays, their unified approach to world unity, and striving for self-mastery allows us to become effective channels for the divine plan, promoting harmony and a sense of belonging among all people, groups, and nations.

The Seven Human Types


Cooperating With Divinity



Recognizing our divine identity empowers us to contribute to the divine Plan on Earth, fostering spiritual growth and world betterment. Understanding our spiritual type and aligning with our Egoic group enables us to participate actively in planetary evolution. Rebirth is not about seeking perfection but recognizing group relations and aiding humanity's progress. By consciously evolving, we contribute to humanity's triumph, alleviating suffering, and uniting all life forms. Our efforts, big or small, help secure greater spiritual freedom for humanity, inspiring and strengthening us as we work towards this shared goal.

Cooperating With Divinity
Course Materials

Handout 1

Tabulation Relating the Seven Centers, Glands, and Psychic Development 

Handout 2

Governing Rays

Handout 3

Qualities of the Seven Rays: Vices and Virtues

Discover Your Unique Path to Purpose
Unveil your inner potential and align with your higher calling. The Personality Synthesis Type (PST) Report integrates astrological insights with psychological wisdom to guide you toward fulfilling your divine purpose.


Order Your PST Report Today

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My name is Taisha Rucker

I'm an attorney turned educator. At age eleven, I made two decisions that I was confident would enable me to live a purposeful life. The first was that I would become a criminal defense attorney. The second decision was that I would attend the University of Michigan (UofM) - Ann Arbor.

After graduating from UofM with a Bachelor's in English Literature and a Juris Doctor, I had many jobs, none of which felt like my purpose.


I had a minor detour in education between college and law school when I joined Teach for America, teaching middle school. After that experience, I knew that teaching wasn't for me. I found education too regimented and limiting for a free spirit like me. Yet I continued to contemplate education's promise alongside its lack. 


After mentoring (reluctantly) several students at an all-boys residential high school some twenty years later, I took a job there teaching Language Arts. My emphasis isn't a particular subject, although students say they've learned not to hate writing because of me. (Tiny hand clap). Like many others, education groomed me to be ambitious, individualistic, and capable of competing to get into the best schools and land the highest-paying jobs. However, it was increasingly isolating when I realized I wanted and needed more from education. I wanted to live a purposeful life that brought out the best in me to better the world in some small way.


Our struggles sometimes prepare us to affect change in a particular field of human living. My discontent with education makes this possible for me. By most accounts, I benefited from education. Yet the trophies held before me — prestige, wealth, a gilded life — failed to impress me. When I returned to teaching, I wanted to offer students more than the narrative of educational pursuit for individualistic, selfish gain. 


The School For GOOD teaches something more fundamental to human living: how to master ourselves and our environment to better serve others and our world. I love to observe young and old alike when the light breaks through. And I'm grateful to be part of helping all of us bring the light out in ourselves and those whose lives we reach in our personal and professional lives.


By orienting our lives toward a divine Purpose, we come to realize that we are each part of One Humanity, capable of manifesting greater Truth, Beauty, and Good. Through this understanding, we learn to see ourselves as integral to a greater whole.


May the light within us help lead us out of darkness and into greater Light!


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