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Download the Epilogue: The Great Invocation
Taisha Lalanai Rucker
Book Details​
142 pages
Paperback 5.25 x 8 inches
First edition.
ISBN 979-8-218-37662-8
Published March 2024
Available for Purchase
In a world that often emphasizes individual success achieved at any cost, "Unleashing the Good" is a powerful reminder of our shared destiny as one nation, one humanity, and one world. "Unleashing the Good" calls on spiritually-minded people and humanitarians to work cooperatively to usher in a new era of leadership that prioritizes the Common Good over personal gain, establishes right relations between and among people and nations, inspires the spread of goodwill among all, and restores trust in our institutions, businesses, and politics.
Taisha Lalanai Rucker is an attorney, educator, and founder of One Humanity, a not-for-profit organization providing inspiration, education, and training to help others learn to serve the common good.