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We are the New Age Educators.

Join us in exploring a basis for a new education that will enable us at any age and level to consciously integrate and fuse the parts within ourselves and each person within the greater Whole, making us increasingly aware, capable, and willing cooperators with the one humanity, the one soul (planet), and the one Life (universe).

With the teaching and support provided, you can achieve a greater sense of purpose, clarity, and fulfillment and contribute intelligently to the greater GOOD.

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to servetheWhole

Why evolve consciously?

With ongoing study, contemplation, and the selfless service to the whole that results, individuals can develop themselves into:

  • Enlightened citizens,

  • Dedicated problem-solvers, and

  • Inspired world servers

Through steady, common-sense application of these practices, people can achieve realistic aims that help them become their best and give their best to society.

What does it mean to evolve consciously?

Learn With Us



We provide you with the knowledge and support beginning with a personalized Spiritual Synthesis Personality type report, incorporating significant astrological aspects of the birth chart and ray analysis that help you become more correctly self-aware, self-directed, and self-expressing.

Envision yourself as a scientist, with life as your lab and your work or calling as your field of experience. We equip you with the knowledge and tools to conduct investigations, gather data from your own experiences, and test the validity of the principles we present. Ultimately, you decide the value of the goals we propose based on the evidence you accumulate in your life. 




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Alicia Isaac is a skilled life coach, intuitive guide, and special education high school teacher. She has a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and over 15 years of experience guiding and coaching people of all ages. Her extensive knowledge of astrology enables her to empower people to grow into their best selves, leading them toward a fulfilling and purposeful life.

Alicia Isaac

M.A. Special Education (Enrolled) / B.A. Psychology

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Taisha Rucker

Taisha Rucker brings over 20 years of expertise in leadership development to her role as founder of One Humanity, a nonprofit dedicated to fostering selfless service for the common good. She empowers individuals of all ages and abilities through education and training to contribute meaningfully to society. With a focus on positive personal and organizational growth, Taisha emphasizes the interconnectedness of all people and nations, inspiring collaboration and unity.


J.D. / B.A. English Literature

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Image by Pawel Czerwinski


Introductory Course

(*prerequisite for any of the advanced instruction)

What You'll Learn

Identify whether you are nearer to becoming a personality or soul. Many people are becoming personalities; fewer are on the precipice of becoming souls.

For people becoming a personality, which includes the many people demonstrating an ability to think and respond to world events, understand the influences of the exoteric rulers for your Sun and Rising Signs to determine potential weaknesses, strengths, and opportunities for further growth. Whereas the Sun Sign gives a clue as to the present stage for the personality, the Rising Sign indicates the soul’s aims for any particular incarnation and, therefore, can be interpreted to help the developing personality correctly orient to its true identity as a soul, allowing the individual become increasingly self-aware, self-directed, and rightly self-expressing for the good of the whole.


Advanced Course

What You'll Learn

For the few becoming identified as souls, analyze both the exoteric and esoteric planetary influences of the Sun and Rising Signs. Understanding these competing energies and their impacts offers insight into the growing battles when these two influences begin to drive a deeper wedge between personality aspirations and soul goals. Their approaching face-off will usually be evident in the life experiences of people who lose a sense of their identity, purpose, or direction in life, can no longer seem to accomplish goals using the tools they’re used to using, feel stifled, feel misaligned with the people and circumstances in their immediate surroundings, struggle to make sense of things as they are, and many other such indications that a reversal or more definite reorientation from the material to the spiritual world is taking place.

For a select few individuals, we can assist in identifying the proximity of a final crisis, where the personality must ultimately give way to the soul and serve as its channel in the world to accomplish higher and more universal objectives.



Apply the integration-fusion process with youth and young adults

What You'll Learn

Discover the three-stage Integration-Fusion process with our online professional development course. This course will give you the understanding to help your students become capable, coordinated, community-minded, and selfless leaders. It is designed to elevate your teaching practice so you can help young learners create a more harmonious future centered on sharing and cooperation.

Evolve with us:

 Understand more about who you are and who you are becoming with our Spiritual Synthesis Personality (SSP) Type report.

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