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We are Human and Divine
Individuals, groups, and nations are in various stages of becoming personalities or souls. Understanding the three stages of identification as group-oriented souls characterized by aspiration, ambition, and adaptation is crucial in our collective journey. When fully achieved, soul consciousness empowers individuals, groups, and nations to think and act increasingly for the good of humanity as a whole.

The seven rays, beautifully symbolized by the rainbow, are not just a part of nature's wonder but embody the seven qualities of divinity. They are the architects of life on our planet, including the natural kingdoms, nations, and humans. Each collective and human being is a unique manifestation of one of these seven types. Discovering our spiritual type is the key to intelligent development consistent with the divine evolutionary plan.
Check out the sample Personal Type and USA Type reports to determine if requesting a personality synthesis report is right for you at this stage of your self-discovery journey.

What is your Type?
7 Spiritual Prototypes
7 Egoic Groups X 7 Sub-groups (making 49)
7 Human Types

The Seven Rays (spiritual Prototypes) embody the seven qualities of divinity, creating, adapting, and evolving all life on our planet, including humans.
Each human being belongs to one or other of the seven Types. Discovering your spiritual Type can help you accelerate your personal development. It will guide you from becoming an integrated and effective personality to awakening to your potential as a soul-infused or enlightened personality, bringing you into greater alignment and recognition of the divine evolutionary Plan working out on our planet.
Striving to embody the virtues of our spiritual Type (and transmute the vices) helps us identify and hone our innate qualities and predispositions, accelerating our ability to contribute now to solutions that renew, restore, and unleash the good within the world.
Recognizing our divine identity can ignite a collective effort to manifest the divine Plan, fostering unity and a sense of belonging among all people, groups, and nations.
Qualities of the Seven Rays
Ray One: Will & Power
Strength, courage, steadfastness, truthfulness arising from absolute fearlessness, power to govern or lead, large-mindedness
Ambition, pride, willfulness, desire to control others, anger, impatience, desire to win at all costs
Evolving Consciously
By choosing to evolve consciously, we can achieve a deeper understanding of our authentic selves. This understanding allows us to contribute positively to our families, environment, and the world and actively aid in realizing a greater good for humanity. Undertaking conscious evolution helps us create personal growth, harmonious relationships, and the ability to contribute to the beauty and harmony of the world.
Listen to the free Intro to Astropsychology audio course to learn more.
Discover Your Type
A starting place for personal exploration and experimentation
The five rays that we must first attempt to discern are listed below. Many people today should be able to discern their personality ray and the rays of its three aspects. Fewer are at a stage to recognize their soul ray accurately. Experimentation with the rays and acting “As If” provide the necessary exploration and insights when studied through objective observations and increasing detachment. These are the tools for acquiring and properly handling all spiritual knowledge and realized spiritual power.
(goal to control & dominate personality)
(goal to organize & control lower three aspects)
Keep in mind that the difficulty in discerning the exact ray that governs each of the aspects that most concern us (physical, emotional, mental, personality, and soul) has to do primarily with the overall development or maturity of the individual based on the age of the soul, purity of the personality vehicle, and the individual’s consciousness.
Physical Body
The Third and Seventh Rays predominate
Emotional (Astral) Body
The Second and Sixth Rays predominate
Mental Body
The First, Fourth, and Fifth Rays predominate
Any of the Rays can govern the Personality and Soul. Again, it is helpful to remember that the purpose of the Personality and Soul Rays in any lifetime is influenced by the Soul to best assist the personality in organizing and controlling its vehicle (the physical, astral, and mental bodies) and, then, later to equip the Soul to repeat the same activity as it relates to fusing with the personality. You will discover the method needed for your burgeoning personality to take hold of its constituent parts and intuit the method by which the Soul eventually controls and directs your personality and activities in the world.
Any of the Rays can govern the Personality and Soul. Again, it is helpful to remember that the purpose of the Personality and Soul Rays in any lifetime is influenced by the Soul to best assist the personality in organizing and controlling its vehicle (the physical, astral, and mental bodies) and, then, later to equip the Soul to repeat the same activity as it relates to fusing with the personality. You will discover the method needed for your burgeoning personality to take hold of its constituent parts and intuit the method by which the Soul eventually controls and directs your personality and activities in the world.
The late Michael Robbins, psychologist, prolific investigator, and author of Tapestry of the Gods, a series of treatises on the Seven Rays that provided much guidance to help me better understand the rays, provides a tool for deciphering your ray makeup. Please consider donating to support its continued development if you find it useful.
To obtain a Personality Synthesis Type (PST) Report, submit your payment below, and complete the PSType Questionnaire, indicating your Sun and Rising signs, which you can obtain using a free online calculator along with the rays you believe govern your Soul, personality, mental, astral, and physical aspects (see note above on PIP III).​​
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Start Your Journey Now
The world needs spiritually-minded people and humanitarians to unite and take action today. By identifying with one of the 7 Spiritual Prototypes, we can increasingly recognize unity amidst diversity.
Discovering our type helps us perceive divine inspiration and create relationships based on spiritual values rather than individual desires.
Take the first step today to bring about a brighter future for all. Conscious evolution is knowing who you are and who you are becoming at any stage. Trust us; life makes more sense when you have a sense of direction that not only helps you navigate the ins and outs of daily living but also helps you discover your authentic self as part of the vast and stupendous universe of which we are each an integral part.